RGF Enviromental

RGF PHI System
RGF PHI™ technology is a broad spectrum high intensity UV light, targeted on a quad-metal- lic catalyst ultraviolet (UV) in low level ozone and moist atmosphere. This produces powerful oxidizers, such as hydro-peroxides, super oxide ions, ozonide ions, and hydroxides, to purify the air. With the RGF PHI Cell Advanced Oxidation Systems, microorganisms, virus and mold can be reduced by over 93%. Gases, TVOCs and odours can also be reduced significantly. After the oxidation of the pollutant, all oxidizers revert back to carbon dioxide and water.
Advantages- Comprehensive
- Fast and Efficient
- Assertive
- Safe and Reliable
- Low cost
- Energy Saving
- User-Friendly

AC/Heat duct Air Purification System

The HVAC PHI Cell by RGF is designed to eliminate sick building syndrome risks by reducing odors, air pollutants, VOCs, smoke, mold, viruses, and bacteria. The HVAC-PHI Cells are easily mounted into air conditioning and heating system air ducts where many sick building problems start.
Commerical [APS] Air Purification System

- Economical
- Low Maintenance
- 25,000 Hour Cell Life
- Light weight
- Compact
- Versatile
*Portable Ozone Air Treatment Systems

Ideal for building managers, fire / flood restoration, hotel rooms, and apartments. Can be used to effectively treat most problem odor areas.
Rapid Recovery Air Purification and Odor Destruction System

Ideal for hotel and motel rooms, suites and apartments. Can be used to rapidly and effectively treat many problem odor areas during daily maintenance and cleaning operations.